
Pay online or by snail mail.


Friday Night: $15 per Adult
Saturday BBQ: $15 per Adult – $7.50 per child under 10

By Mail:

Checks should be mailed to AHS Reunion
c/o: Cindy Gleim Buckalew at
204 Cheryl Lane Apt I, Phoenix, OR 97535
Make checks out to “AHS Reunion”. Please indicate in the notes area on your check what days you will be attending. Payments must be post dated no later than August 10, 2015.
Include with your payment, your email address, so that we can send you event addresses.

Pay Online

Note, you do NOT need a Paypal account in order to use the Paypal Buy link. You can use a regular credit card. You will need to pay for Friday and Saturday separately if you want to attend both events!

Adult ticket Aug 28 Friday Night at Jeff Lindow’s

$15 per Adult (this is an adults only event)

Number in Party
Full Names of Attendees

Adult ticket for Aug 29 Saturday BBQ at Cathy Ziehl-Lamoureux’s

$15 per Adult
$7.50 per Child under 10 (pay for child below in next section)

Full Names of Attendees

Child ticket for Aug 29 Saturday BBQ at Cathy Ziehl-Lamoureux’s

$7.50 per Child under 10

Child under 10
Full Names of Attendees